Let those of us then who are mature be of the same mind; and if you think differently about anything, this too God will reveal to you. – Philippians 3:15
Today’s Martyrs began on Thanksgiving 2011 (the U.S. holiday) as an daily email-based account of Christian martyrdom. Several events were the impetus for this:
- The October 31, 2010 church attack in Bagdad, Iraq known as ‘Black Sunday’
- The assassination of Clement Shahbaz Bhatti in Lahore, Pakistan on March 2, 2011
- The crucifixion of the Kouame-Kacou brothers in Binkro, Ivory Coast on May 29, 2011
- The October 9-10, 2011 attack on Christians in Cairo, Egypt known as the ‘Maspero Massacre’
Basically, there was a sense that events were flowing by and silence of them was a kind of complicity.
The quality and type of reporting at Today’s Martyrs changed with feedback from its readers, and the final format was developed by May 2012; please see the Home page for the goals and the FAQ page for the policies regarding publication.
A weekly version of the daily report was added by popular demand in September 2013, and a weekly commentary was added to the weekly report in September 2014 when it became apparent that the reports had become too long for casual reading without a summary. Subscriptions to either the daily or weekly reports can be started and managed on the Subscribe page. The weekly reports and summaries are now also available on the Blog page.
The first Today’s Martyrs biography was written during Easter 2014 and published shortly thereafter. These biographies can now be found on the People page.
Also in 2014 the email reports began to be consolidated into historical archives that list these events by date of incidence. In late 2014 the decision was made to extend this events archive back to 1912, since many acts of martyrdom are being forgotten as time passes and histories are rewritten.
Please consider sharing this resource with your family and friends, and consider joining together in community to pray, learn, and (if so moved) act. We recognize that these materials are not for everyone, but we firmly believe that the majority of Christians will spiritually benefit from reading these accounts. As Tertullian wrote in 197 “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church”, or as Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco said in 2013 “If our parishes can keep alive, even nourish, a systematic memory of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted in the world, then even the local faith would be re-vitalized”. Great truths are always true.