The Lord said to Satan: “Where have you been?” Then Satan answered the Lord and said “Roaming the earth and patrolling it”. – Job 1:7-8
For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness… – Ephesians 6:12
Here are reports on specific acts of Christian persecution and martyrdom. They are arranged in chronological order by date of incidence, and then by approximate order of time zone within each date; together they constitute a modern-day martyrology. Reading them can give the impression of ‘roaming the earth’ from east to west, but with an eye toward the good that is under attack and the determined witness to the Good News and opposition to evil, and not only the attacks themselves.
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Below are links to events of martyrdom beginning in 1912 (click here for a brief timeline of pre-1912 persecutions). It is hoped that this presentation will be useful for education, inspiration, and scholarship. It will always be a work in progress due to continuing persecutions and the rediscovery of older historical accounts that have largely been forgotten.
Lovers of history might want to consider starting with the 1912 documents and then moving forward. Such an approach will give a different perspective of life and civilization than do the usual histories.
Photos courtesy: 1910’s Wikipedia; 1940s – U.S. Defense Visual Information; 1950’s – U.S. Dept. Energy; 1960’s – Anthony & Amanda Clark Collection, Spokane, Washington; 1970’s – U.S. Navy; 2000’s – St. Nicholas church and NY Times; 2010’s – Reuters; 2020’s – pappaspost.com
DISCLAIMER: each Events page begins with a prophetic quotation from the Bible. We make no claim that any event listed here is in any way specifically tied to the accompanying quote…nor that it is not.